首页 > 科幻灵异 > 死神交叉 > 第60章 不要离我太远

第60章 不要离我太远(第5/5 页)

最新科幻灵异小说: 末世诸禽机甲:这个公主有些不正经!全民:你都开挂了!还有唯一天赋最强机甲师之天才少女末世,邻居太太求着进安全屋萌学园:血族公主她只想吃瓜末日重生之刘彬程崛起美耀苍穹:女强传末日降临,我修仙者身份藏不住了智界危机超级小战士,纳米奇缘球炸了,每人一座浮空岛吞噬星空之火元真神我靠顶流丑闻,囤够亿万物资重生归来,打造最强星际霸主实教:人型魅魔的修业指南赤瞳怪物入侵,我开局加点无敌暗幕如牢重回末世前,嫁黑帝,抢他空间星际田园梦

tell even if it a't true

but baby please don't say we're through

tell how i love you s

or how a broken heart can nd

jt tell this is not the end

please tell now

how the fairy tale begs

or how it was supposed to end

please tell that part aga

ad libs

i wanna know that

feel' that's fro way back

a ti when it was true that, love was sweet and nocent

when you and i uld still be friends

ake all the wrong be right aga

where true love never has to end

ad libs

tell how i love you s

or how a broken heart can nd

jt tell this is not the end

please tell now

how the fairy tale begs

or how it was supposed to end

please tell that part aga

